Tag: Houseplants

Posted on 10/15/2023
Pet Safe Houseplants: Polka Dot Plants & More
Growing indoor plants can be incredibly rewarding and enhance the aesthetics of your home. However, it's important to know which plants are safe for every member of your household to be around. While many attractive and popular houseplants are toxic to pets and humans, there are plenty you can grow indoors safely, like polka dot plants. Here are...
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Posted on 10/02/2022
Dying plants: The 2 most common causes
Dying plants are a reality for every gardener and houseplant owner at some point in their lives. However, the more you know about common causes of death, the better you can prevent it and keep your plants healthy. Here are some of the most common causes of dying houseplants: Over-watering Watering plants too much and too often is...
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Posted on 09/11/2022
Prayer Plants & Other Houseplants That Bloom Indoors
Most plants kept as houseplants are native to tropical regions where the conditions are considerably different than the average home. These plants are very adaptable and can flourish indoors in many climates, but they are unlikely to produce flowers unless they're grown in the wild. However, some houseplants like prayer plants can surprise you with blooms. Here are...
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Posted on 07/31/2022
The best indoor trees
One of the best ways to make a space feel lush and lively is by adding indoor trees. While they won't grow as tall as their outdoor counterparts, indoor trees can reach your ceilings and bring your interior design to new heights. Here are some of the best indoor trees to consider: Fiddle leaf fig Fiddle leaf figs...
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Posted on 01/09/2022
Are You Watering Your Houseplants the Right Way? Here's What to Know
Are you watering your plants the right way? With plants having so many different needs, it can be difficult to know. However, most problems people have with their houseplants are caused by how and when they're watering them. To help prevent frustration and unhappy plants, here is a simple guide to the most common watering mistakes and how...
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Posted on 12/19/2021
Top Indoor Gardening Activities for Kids
Many garden projects let kids embrace their creative side and give them a mini plant sciences lesson as a bonus. So how would you get your little ones invested in gardening while growing their curiosities? All you need is a small workspace in your home and a few supplies to enjoy these indoor gardening activities together. Germinate Seeds...
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Posted on 10/17/2021
5 Ways to Make Your Own Succulent Planters
For houseplant enthusiasts, there never seem to be enough plant pots. While lots of household items can work as planters for houseplants, finding items that work as well for succulents can be difficult. This holds true especially for succulent arrangements with multiple plants in the bunch. To help inspire you here are some tips for items you can...
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