Tag: Cleaning Tips

Posted on 04/11/2021
Steps to Take Before Breaking in Your Kitchen
Photo by CongerDesign via Pixabay You recently purchased a home, and as a new homeowner, you’re itching to get moved into your new kitchen so you can get settled and start entertaining. Wait! Before you get caught up organizing your pots and pans, do a little preventative care. If you want a kitchen you can entertain in hassle-free,...
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Posted on 02/07/2021
Best Home Practices for Controlling Pests
Photo by Andrey_Popov via Shutterstock Getting rid of a pest infestation in the home can be an expensive and stressful endeavor. Enjoy a comfortable, pest-free home with a few best practices. Preventative Control Every homeowner should invest in preventative pest control. Either hire a company to come and treat the inside and outside of your house on a...
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Posted on 12/22/2019
Avoid Oversights When Preparing for a Home Showing
If your house is already on the market, you're probably familiar with the hectic process of getting it in presentable condition for the next showing. Since there are so many things to remember, it can be helpful to create a "pre-showing checklist" you can refer to whenever you need it. Your reliance on the list will probably diminish over...
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Posted on 09/01/2019
Clean The Kitchen Before Moving To Your New Home
Moving into a new house will require a little bit of cleaning and the kitchen is probably the first place to start. You will want to get rid of the former resident's cooking smells as well as make it reflect your personal taste because you and your family will spend a lot of time. Here are a few...
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Posted on 07/21/2019
7 Cleaning Jobs You Can Carry Out Around Your Home with Baking Soda
You probably have a lot of baking soda lying around your kitchen, waiting for the next time you want to bake. But did you realize that baking soda can be very useful for carrying out multipurpose cleaning tasks around the house? Find out more below. Sprinkle baking soda into your sweaty sneakers to get rid of that terrible...
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